304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Memorandum and Articles
of EDU CUTS Network
Network of festivals and organizations dedicated to educational and creative development of the of young people
The members of the network have agreed to create a non-profit organization whose memorandum is as follows:
The Network
Article 1. The name of the network is “EDU CUTS” with a website at
Article 2. The EDU CUTS network aims to support the educational and creative development of young people through various creative activities and workshops and the promotion of quality cinema for children and young people. The network and its members may undertake any initiatives to achieve its objectives, focusing in particular on networking and exchange of European audiovisual programs, mutual cooperation with the aim of sharing information, knowledge and resources.
Article 3. The network is established for an unlimited period.
Article 4. The number of members is unlimited, but cannot be less than three.
Article 5. A festival or organization that includes in its program the education of children and youth
and the development of young talents can become a member of the EDU CUTS network.
Article 6. Members may withdraw from the association at any time by writing a letter of resignation to the management of the organization. Expulsion of a member may only be pronounced by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority of the votes present.
General Assembly
Article 7. The General Assembly is composed of delegated representatives of all members, and is chaired by the President of the Network.
Article 8. According to its characteristics, the General Assembly has the right to:
Article 9. The President of the Network invites the members to participate in the General Assemblies. By proxy, the members may ask another member to represent them at the Assembly. No organization may accumulate two functions of the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall meet whenever one fifth of the members request it.
Article 10. All members have equal voting rights at the Annual Assembly. Resolutions shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast, except in the following cases:
Article 11. The decisions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in minutes and signed by the chairman and at least one representative of the board. The minutes of each meeting shall be sent to
each member, no later than two weeks after the meeting.
Board of Management
Article 12. The EDU CUTS network is managed by a Board of Management consisting of at least three and at most five members, appointed and dismissed by the General Assembly and elected
from among the members. The proceedings of the board are valid if half of the associates are
present or represented by another associate of the board, with a power of attorney.
Article 13. The term of office lasts four years. Representatives in the board of Management may be re-elected once.
Article 14. The board elects a president, two vice-presidents, a secretary and a treasurer from among the members.
Article 15.
The Board of Directors shall decide by a simple majority of the votes of the directors present or represented. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.
Article 16.
The Board of Directors shall have the authority to manage and administer the association, i.e. the Board shall have the authority, without prejudice to any other authority arising from the law or the membership memorandum: to execute and accept all acts and to conclude or accept all contracts, also to reconcile in the event of disagreements, to make compromises, to conclude contracts in the interest of the network, to accept any idea, subsidies, donations and transfers, etc.
Article 17. The acts in which the network is involved (others and those of the daily management) shall be signed by the President and one representative of the Board.
Article 18. The Management shall not enter into any personal obligation in its function and shall be responsible only for the performance of its function. These functions of the Board members shall be performed on a voluntary basis.